I've started on Primary 4 for next year and talked about it with my "kids" and they loved it (even though I'm losing most of them) and I wanted to share with you all the idea. This year(2011) I did the handout with a little activity or "assignment" to do just to get more out of the lessons that you teach. For 2012 I'll be doing the same thing. They will be sized at 3.5x4 and I'm hoping to get way ahead of each lesson to at least get the framework set up in advance. You can go
HERE, where the master list of all the lessons will be and links and such to helps and what I"ll be doing for my lessons.
I've made a cover right now but will be getting a lot of the lessons started as well as some time fillers this week :)
Questions? Trouble downloading? Email me at latterdaychatter@yahoo.com