Saturday, March 16, 2013

Primary 5, Lesson 10 &11

Thank you all so much for your comments and emails concerning my health and my sweet little family. We are doing well and have survived midterms and spring break. Right along with illnesses and the getting ready for planting and spring, Yippeee! Can you believe it! I was so excited when I saw little blades of grass popping up and the little tulips making head way.

I have to say that I just love this age, they are so enthusiastic to learn about the Gospel, throw a game in there and you'l have 13 kids scrambling to come up and play a "preschooler" game

I"ve combined this week and last week. Here's Lesson 10 journal.

(We played "Don't Break the Ice) Sorry I don't have the questions I used, my 2 year old decided that it woudl be super fun to push my computer off my bed while I was working on them (didn't save) so now I have a dead laptop. Yippee for 2 year olds!

2/16/17: Dropbox has changed the way that we can share files, therefore, all the links from these Primary 5 lessons currently do not work. I am in the process of fixing them. 

Lesson 11

I haven't decided what game to bring but I think Trouble will be it so I can break the kids up into smaller groups. (whatever the bubble says go add 2-4 spaces so you can get more of the game done) I'll be using the chalkboard to go through the accounts/scriptures and what not so that we've gone over everything. This has helped the kids a lot with really applying what they know. I've asked some stuff for a challenge from the previous week or just random questions about the Book of Mormon and they get it right. It just touches my heart to have "my kids" know what they are really learning.

The library is an amazing resource, I'll be asking our librarian to snag to copies of the pictures indicated and have a "race" to see which "team" can think of what's next.


There are 7 questions a little less than normal but I want to leave time for the Enrichment 3 activity.

Please take a minute to share a comment, I love reading them! They keep making me want to give FREEBIES! It's always wonderful to know that what you are putting up and writing about is worthwhile and people enjoy them. Questions? Trouble downloading(please check FAQs first) Email me at

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Primary 5, Lesson 9 & Journal

For this week, we are going to be playing with the game "Don't Spill the Beans", playing right along with the rules of the game. Dividing the class into 2 teams. (I let them divide, they're old enough to know how many need to be in each group and we pretty much don't have any problems). We'll be going through the accounts of the Three Witnesses and Eight Witnesses, and then we'll move to the download below. With the questions, I wanted to really focus on the objective of the lesson, because it really made me think: To help the children desire to be witnesses of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon
In today's world I think that that is so important to have a firm foundation at such a young age. So we'll be writing the ideas on the board.

Note: I enjoy writing on the board, when we're discussing about whatever the "scripture" is, it allows my kids to look, read, and comprehend what we're really looking for and typically the answers to the questions for the game are right there on the board.

2/16/17: Dropbox has changed the way that we can share files, therefore, all the links from these Primary 5 lessons currently do not work. I am in the process of fixing them. 

Please take a minute to share a comment, I love reading them! They keep making me want to give FREEBIES! It's always wonderful to know that what you are putting up and writing about is worthwhile and people enjoy them. Questions? Trouble downloading(please check FAQs first) Email me at

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Sharing Time WK 1

For this week I love the use of the scriptures and the pictures but to make it a little more "fun". So using the download of footprints below, tape the suggested picture up everywhere (or you could also go through the Friend magazine and find examples of how a child has either followed Christ's example or may have made a mistake) maybe even in the hallway so that it's harder to find, then if they can't find it, ask them if they would like some help (later explain how sometimes it might be harder to follow His example, but when we ask for help, whether through prayer, through our parents or our teachers, we will be able to.

Instead of this for the Junior Primary, you could shrink down the pictures and do a bean bag game for a small Primary or you could do a "fishing" game and just put paper clips onto the pictures.

PDF and Word coming later today.





Melanie over at Sugardoodle asked for some help spreading the word about her Conference packet. She's worked so hard on these with the help of many to translate into multiple languages. Go check it out!

Please take a minute to share a comment, I love reading them! They keep making me want to give FREEBIES! It's always wonderful to know that what you are putting up and writing about is worthwhile and people enjoy them. Questions? Trouble downloading(please check FAQs first) Email me at
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