
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Primary 7, Lesson 1

I'm really excited for this year's lessons and Sharing Time because these kids are going to be learning so much about our Savior and His life between the two. In our Primary, I'm in charge of the Valiant classes and during a meeting with the teachers, I asked if they would be interested in setting aside the last 10 minutes of class to let the kids write and answer questions about what they had learned each Sunday, each teacher was enthusiastic!! So I'm going to be creating sticker questions that you can just print and stick into a notebook for that week's lesson. These will be printable onto the shipping labels (10 labels per sheet) or easily onto just the sticker sheets and you can cut them out. (NO AFFILIATE LINKS). One of our teachers also asked for just a full sheet to print out instead of the stickers so they'll be those too. You could also easily just print the sticker sheets onto regular paper and have glue for the kids to glue the questions in.

This first page the teachers will have the kids glue to the front of their notebooks, just a fun fact sheet and a belongs to page.
DOWNLOAD PDF HERE (includes this page and one below)

This page is the same questions from the sticker label sheet but on a full sheet form. The teacher in our Primary is making an actual 3 ring binder for the kids with these.



Thank you so much for stopping by, for the pins and repins, for the comments, for the purchasing on Etsy. This blog has helped me find who I am, my family and my talents. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me