
Saturday, December 10, 2016

2017 Primary CD and Jewel Case Covers

For these please note that I have ONLY tested the Avery label 5931 (and equivalents), the other templates are only from several years of doing these. 

Please print one test before printing for your entire Primary.

Typically you will download a cd template and insert your image. The images are titled "large hole" and "small hole" these are typical sizes that we've encountered.

When printing make sure that the "FIT TO PAGE" is turned OFF. Leaving it on will not keep the correct alignment on the page. (when using any templates I'm sure but especially for Avery label)

If these do not fit the labels that you have purchased please send me an email (please don't comment) and I will see if I can whip one up for you so you don't have to go buy new labels.

When clicking on the "download here" you will see everything available for covers and cases. They are named accordingly. Do not use the .png files unless you are inserting them into your templates. The avery label sheet is for 2 because I had those labels and could test them.

For the envelope, cut around the outer edge around the solid black lines. Fold the bottom half up to the back of the front. Fold the tabs on the sides and glue to the back. Let dry and you've got an easy envelope.