
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Noteworthy Resources for Studying the New Testament

I have been asked what the resources are that I'm using in my study of the New Testament so I thought I would share and to help me keep a record of the sources that I have. 

Now I don't use them all at the same time. I enjoy taking a question and searching the different texts. I haven't gone all the way through in all of them but love them each for different reasons.

I will continue adding resources as I find them.

The Church has many great resources free of charge. You can find articles in various Ensigns (I try and put links below the downloads when I find them.)

this can also be purchased but it's free on

Other Resources

I just found this website and I'm really excited to explore what it has to offer! 

Scripture Study Made Simple: The New Testament by [Wayment, Thomas A.] Scripture Study Made Simple: The New Testament
This book I love for two reasons 1) it has the New Testament in full publication 2) the author's notes are easy to follow along with and glean insights from. You can find this book on Amazon.

New Testament Made Easier Boxed Set by [Ridges, David J.]New Testament Made Easier 
These books were the first of my collection that I had in studying the New Testament. This book also has the New Testament in full publication. I like these because he offers different insights than Dr. Wayment. This book is also easy to follow along but I personally prefer Dr. Wayment's book. You can find this book on Amazon.

The New Testament Made Harder: Scripture Study Questions by [Faulconer, James E]The New Testament Made Harder
This title was intriguing so I bought it and I really like it because it's really full of questions to ponder. It's not one that I grab for everything but when I'm trying to get a better understanding of the scriptures the questions it has provokes that thoughts and inspiration.  It isn't so much a study guide to read as it is a book of questions to look at as you study the scriptures. I found it on Amazon.

Jesus Christ and the World of the New Testament
This is a PHENOMENAL book to understand the background of the New Testament. The people, places, etc. I have been reading this from the beginning and have learned so much and feel that I better understand how and why the New Testament is written the way that it is. RECOMMEND highly! You can find the book on Amazon.

MessiahThe Messiah Series
I am extremely blessed with an online library through BYU-I and I have been able to check out some AMAZING books to read about the life of Jesus Christ. This series if you can get your hands on them are incredible to read and study from. You can find them at Deseret Book or Amazon.
Doctrinal New Testament Commentary -- Another blessing of the online library at BYU-I. This is my most used resource recently and I have learned a lot from Elder McConkie. You can find these at Deseret Book or Amazon.

The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ
This is a new find that I have been using recently and have come to love and quickly turn to in my studies. There are 4 books all together as a 4 volume set, you can find them on both Amazon and Deseret Book.
Volume 1: Bethlehem through Sermon on the Mount (DB or Amazon)
Volume 2: Transfiguration through the Triumphal Entry (DB or Amazon)
Volume 3: The Last Supper Through the Resurrection (DB or Amazon)
Volume 4: The Day of Pentecost to the Apocalypse (DB or Amazon)
The Complete Joseph Smith Translation of the New Testament by [Wayment, Thomas A.]

The Complete Joseph Smith Translation of the New Testament - this book is incredible and I quickly purchased it after finding out that the scriptures DO NOT have all of the JST translations. I find it an enlightening addition in understanding the New Testament. You can find it on Amazon.