
Monday, January 21, 2019

Come Follow Me- NT Weekly Topic Labels

Have you ever complained about tasks that you just hate doing but they are so helpful so you just keep doing them? Well each week, I've been adding the weekly scripture and topic into my everyday planner so that if I'm out and about I can easily know where to jump to where I'm at and I'm also constantly reminded what we are studying and it's  perfect because I use my planner for getting blog ideas flowing (bring on the sticky notes!).
I was complaining to my friend Jennifer about my problem and she suggested just printing them all up on labels so instead of writing them each week I can just stick it in and be done. So I did just that! I love them!

These are formatted on Avery Template 8160 (30 labels per sheet, 1 inch x 2 5/8 inch) so double check your labels before you print.

Please note: There are 2 April 1-14 and 2 September 30-October 130000, this was intentional because it covers two Sundays and I wanted one for each week.

Each label includes the date, the scripture and the "topic".