Thursday, August 13, 2015

Jesus Christ has power over death {August Sharing Time WK 3}

I have been struggling with this lesson and have been thinking about it for the last week or so wanting to do this beautiful lesson justice while still bringing to a level that the kids will understand. Today my son brought me a handful of dandelions from the park, what a sweet thing, we got home and I told out my sad wilted dandelions from the diaper bag and LIGHT went off! I had my idea!

Sheena over at LDS Ideas did the same thing! So we've teamed up and you can pick up a printable here and go and get instructions over on her blog!

Just some notes for you!
For the Raising of Lazarus, here's a thing from the manual about this that will help the kids really see how this was a miracle. Lazarus hadn't just died, he had been dead for 4 days (John 11:17)! It was Jewish custom for friends to mourn with the family for several days after death. Many people were there was Christ performed this great miracle,

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