
Friday, August 14, 2015

Jesus Christ

Primary 7, Lesson 16: Jesus Christ Performed Miracles
Light of the World {Handout for John 8:12}
Jesus grew up {Handout}

Jesus Christ brings Lazarus back to Life (includes a small activity of other miracles of Jesus)
Becoming Like Jesus Christ
How can I be a witness of Jesus Christ?
Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ
I Know that Jesus Loves Me
All Things Testify of Jesus {sheet music}
He Came for Us {sheet music}
Jesus Christ is Our Savior (includes activity of prophets and their testimony of Jesus Christ)
By These Names (Review of some of the names Jesus is called)
Life of Jesus (mini book)
Jesus Teaches How to Treat Others (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus Teaches How to Remember Him (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus Works Miracles (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus Teaches about Finding Those Who are Lost (Stories of Jesus)
Helping Like Jesus (girl learns that helping others in small ways is trying to be like Jesus)
I Find the Savior (poem)
How can I follow the Savior?
Jesus Chooses His Disciples (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus Heals the Sick (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus is Baptized (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus Blesses Children (Stories of Jesus)
Spring's Promise
Jesus as a Child (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus Finishes His Mission on Earth (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray (Stories of Jesus)
Jesus Begins His Ministry (Stories of Jesus)
Where in the World? (did it happen in Americas or Jerusalem?)

Scripture Figures:
-Jesus Raises Lazarus
-Jesus Teaching in the Temple
-Jesus Heals the Sick and Blesses the Children
-The Good Shepherd

He Broke the Bands of Death

Following Jesus:
Be Brave
Be Helpful

Following the Savior's Path (has "put in order" of the final days of Christ's life)

He Lives

Fun Stuff:
Jesus Christ's Twelve Apostles (Word Maze)
Teach all Nations (Word Scramble) -after resurrection, Jesus told disciples to teach
Jesus is the perfect example for me (Coloring page)

The Atonement of Jesus Christ (Come, Follow Me for Young Women)
The Atonement of Jesus Christ (Come, Follow Me for Young Men)
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Elder D. Todd Christofferson)

(Pinterest Finds -Please note these are NOT all from

What the Atoning Sacrifice Meant for Jesus (Religious Studies Center- BYU)
Names of Jesus Christ (
Atonement and the Glass of Water -analogy- (Some Sweet Talking Girl)
Pictures of Jesus Christ (this is my Pinterest board)
Names of Christ Flipbook (Red Headed Hostess)
Easter Week (Teach His Doctrine)