Hello to you my readers and thank you all for your emails and messages. I'm still very much here but have had so many demands that I just couldn't get to the computer to create.
Firstly, my family and I moved! We moved from the beautiful Palouse in northern Idaho to the Mini-Cassia area of southern Idaho. We are so very happy with the move because it moved us closer to both my family (my parents actually live a 1-minute drive away!) and my husband's family.
Secondly, We were in limbo for just over a month with our things in storage (including my computer) until we closed our own beautiful home (complete with my very own office!).
Finally, I'm still in school and this semester I was taking Statistics and I needed to ensure that all the time and effort that was needed was used so that I could pass with a good grade for my grad school admittance. I am happy to report that I passed without any damage to my GPA and am ready for my research methods class.
I am taking the summer semester off and so you'll have me for 8 full weeks! I'm so excited to be able to take a much-needed break and enjoy the last few weeks before kids go back to school.
As a welcome back, I've got a fantastic study guide for the missions of Paul!