I'm a touch biased for this new website because my sister-in-law is one of the owners/writers, but I love reading about health stuff and I figure others would too, so... introducing.... Daily Nutrition Review!
Daily Nutrition Review is a new website
created to help inform people about nutrition news. The site offers
non-biased articles and
reviews of nutrition news and research by its team of nutrition and sports
professionals. The site also provides useful knowledge and tips
about common foods, supplements, vitamins, and nutrients. They even list
super foods which reveal the added benefits of common foods.
The site will be covering a wide variety of
nutritional information and health concerns, including childhood
nutrition, aging, women's health and pregnancy, sports and exercise,
and dietary associated ailments such as heart disease and obesity.
in the website community where you can share comments and ask questions
in the forum and even join or start a group with common nutritional
interests or health challenges. The professional staff is always excited
to hear from its readers. Feel free to comment on articles and suggest
new topics.
The majority of children do not like fish oil; interestingly, fish oil is one of the most important nutrients necessary for achieving good grades at elementary school. A study of school children has shown that omega-3 may play a valuable role in cognitive performance. Surprisingly, not only were children shown to have… Continue Reading at http://dailynutritionreview.com
It is known that the periods during pregnancy and lactation are especially important for baby’s prenatal and postnatal development. But could the pregnancy meals be important for baby’s postnatal food preferences? To answer this question, Z.Y.Ong and B.S. Muhlhausler conducted a study at the University of South Australia.... Continue Reading